Background Processing

Imagine the scenario:

You switch on your CEDAR Cambridge V5 system, access a file, load the processes you need, and determine the audio restoration and sweetening parameters that offer the best possible results. In the past, you then processed the audio in real-time or pressed Render and waited for the processing to be completed before you could move on. But with the CEDAR Cambridge Server Pack, you simply 'click' the job into background mode, whereupon the system will render it as and when processing power is available to do so.

Invoking a second instance of CEDAR Cambridge V5

Now, you are free invoke a second instance of CEDAR Cambridge V5 on the same host system. Having done so, you can load another file and, in the foreground, work out the parameters of the desired audio restoration and sweetening processes that offer the best results. You don't even have to use the same audio processes as before; you are free to create a completely new signal chain if you wish. When you have done so, you place job #2 into background mode, invoke a third instance of CEDAR Cambridge V5 and move onto job #3...

Convenience and efficiency

At this point, you may be wondering whether the first job needs to be completed before the background processing mode will accept job #2. Of course it doesn't! CEDAR Cambridge Server allows you to launch multiple instances of the entire CEDAR Cambridge V5 system so you can keep setting up jobs and placing them in the background, right up to the limit of the hardware to handle them. What's more, every instance of CEDAR Cambridge V5 running on the Server is independent of all the others, with separate processing chains and independent parameters for each.

Background processing is a remarkable leap forward in ease of use and productivity, and it will be a boon for every audio archivist and librarian, as well as for sound engineers handling large volumes of audio in post, broadcast, and even audio forensic investigation.

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